DM872 (S24)

Mathematical Optimization at Work

Sheet 7

Multi Depot Vehicle Scheduling

In the Material repository in the directory MDVS you find the files sample.inp and m4n500s0.inp that contain data about timetabled trips housed in different depots. The name of the file indicates the number of depots $m$, the number of trips $n$ and finally the identifier of the instance $0,1,2,3,4$. Trips are identified by numbers from $m$ to $n+m−1$ and indexed by $i$ that runs through the same range of numbers. The format of the files is as follows:

(first line) m <tab> n <tab> for each depot the maximum number of vehicles

(second line and further) cost matrix of size (m + n) x (m + n). The
number in row i, column j indicates

- if i <= m and j > m: the cost of pull-out trip from depot i to trip j-m
  (including 50% of fixed cost for the vehicle),
- if i > m and j <= m: the cost of pull-in trip from trip i-m to depot j
  (including 50% of fixed cost for the vehicle),
- if i > m and j > m: the cost of performing trip j-m after trip i-m.

A -1 indicates that it is infeasible to perform trip j after trip
i. Note that, i <= m and j <=m has no meaning and there are all -1's

The instance sample.dat is a small toy instance used in class for the lecture that may be used for debugging or visualization purposes.

In the repository you find also the python script It contains the function readData that reads the input data file and populates a list Ts with every arc. It then contains the code that implements the multi-depot model (24)–(28) of slide 35.

Task 1

Inspect the python file and make sure you understand it.

Task 2

Run the script on the small instance m4n500s0.inp and observe the output produced. Explain what happened and fill in the table below:

Capacity 62, 59, 56, 56 45,45,45,45 20,20,20,20
Linear Programming lower bound      
Integer Optimal solution      
Number of vehicles used      
Number of depots used      


To define binary variable you can use:


To ignore the integrality constraint you can set the variable as continuous:

model.addVar(lb=0.0, ub=1.0, vtype="C")

Task 3

In the table we used the linear relaxation as lower bound. Another convenient way to obtain a lower bound is by relaxing some constraints that make the problem easy to solve. In the lecture we arrived at the multi-depot model incrementally. In particular, we saw that we had to add some constraints that broke the amenable min cost flow structure of the problem. Locate these constraints in the script and assess the lower bound obtained by relaxing them and solving the min cost flow problem left. Is this lower bound better or worse than the linear relaxation lower bound?

Task 4

What is a lower bound on the sum of the capacities of the depots such that a feasible solution is guaranteed to exist? Implement the model that we saw in class that determines such lower bound. Download now the larger instance m4n1500s0.inp and try to solve it again with the original multi-depot model. What does it happen? Instead of solving a unique huge model, it is good practice to decompose a problem into smaller simpler subproblems. Download now the script that contains elements to implement a Lagrangian relaxation approach. Consider the Lagrangian relaxation (29)–(32) of slide 37. Write a python function that solves $\phi(\lambda)$, that is a function that solves a Min Cost Flow problem with the arc costs defined as a function of the h-th depot and of $\lambda$ as in (37) in slide 40.

Task 5

Once you a wrote such a script, use it to solve the subproblems and to compute a lower bound for the following values of vector $\lambda$:

  Lower Bound
all elements equal to 100  
all elements equal to 1000  
elements are random real numbers from [0,1000]  

Are they all valid lower bounds? Can you devise a procedure to find the values for $\lambda$ that give the greatest possible lower bound?

Task 6

Using the preimplemented skeleton available in, compute the optimal Lagrangian multipliers by developing a basic subgradient algorithm (see Algorithm 1 in slide 42).

Task 7

Implement a greedy heuristic that starting from the optimal continuous relaxation, builds a feasible solution (slide 43). Tips: use the method: lagrangian_heuristic in and complete it with the missing parts. You will need a model used earlier in this exercise.

Task 8

[Optional] Using the same data, try to develop a basic column generation algorithm, using the Set Partitioning formulation based on path variables. In order to solve the pricing subproblem, you can either formulate the shortest path as an LP (exploiting total unimodularity) or use a shortest path algorithm from the NetworkX python library. As starting variables you may use a path for each depot and each trip that cover a single trip. Once the algorithm stops (there are no more negative reduced cost path), you can solve an Integer Linear problem defined only on the set of generated columns. How large is the gap from the LP solution and the integer solution?